Sunday, February 27, 2011

Hawkeye Steals the Black Widow From Deadpool?!?

Man, you have no idea how satisfying it was to write that title.  But it is kinda true.  Here's the thing, Scarlett Johansson (or, the Black Widow) was married to Ryan Reynolds (Green Lantern or Deadpool, take your pick).  They split.  Now at the Academy Awards, Jeremy Renner (Hawkeye) was apparently very close to Scarlett, and rumor is that they are now dating.  Could this just be needless speculation?  Yes.  But it's cool and funny so I'm going to go with it.

On the surface, this could end disastrously.  Say the two break up.  Great, we now have on-set tension during the entire production.  That always ends well.  But at the same time, I think it's hilariously awesome because Hawkeye and the Black Widow have a huge romantic history and I kind of want to see that carry over into real life.

So do we have like some kind of superhero dating scene now?  Because I would really like to imagine there is.  Will Robert Downey Jr. sleep with Cobie Smulders (Maria Hill) like he did in the comics?  Should Henry Cavill (Superman) hook up with Anne Hathaway (Catwoman)?  Honestly, there are so many actors who have played superheroes and villains this is a distinct possibility.

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