Thursday, March 24, 2011

Sucker Punch and Superman

Zack Snyder made 300.  For that, I will always love him.  That movie kicked so much ass and was so perfectly done he gets a permanent free pass from me for the rest of his career.  And that's good for him, because it looks like he's going to need it.  His sprawling adaptation of Watchmen was just too long and worn out for my taste, and ended up just not working for me (although I understand why some may like it).  And now he brings us Sucker Punch.  I never was too interested in this one.  The whole insane asylum spin doesn't really do anything for me, and the commercial make it seem like one big video game.  And the reviews are coming in.  And they aren't too pretty.

What?  This movie has no plot?  Impossible.

I bring this up because Snyder already has a strong attachment to comic book adaptions and is now working on the of father of heroes himself, Superman.  What does Sucker Punch tell us?  Based on the reviews, we can still count on him to make something visually impressive, so when Superman does finally punch something he'll do it in style.  But all of Sucker Punch's criticism seems to lie on it's weak script (written by Snyder) and jumbled storytelling.  And this trend has been apparent in Snyder's work so far.  With 300, the story was very simple and straightforward, making it easy for Snyder to set up something suitably epic.  You can clearly see that with Watchmen's much more complex plot and characters, the pacing was cramped and left little room for any subtlety.  So where does Superman fit on this spectrum?  This is going to depend on David Goyer's script.  If written well enough, I can see Snyder delivering the Superman movie fans have been dying for.

To sum things up, is Sucker Punch a sign of Doomsday for Superman?  No, not necessarily.  But it sure isn't a good sign either.

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