Monday, March 28, 2011

American Panther: Most Confusing Decision Ever

Let me brush y'all up to speed on something.  T'Challa,the Black Panther, is the ruler of the fictional African nation of Wakanda.  After an invasion by Dr. Doom, T'Challa destroyed his nation's most valuable resource (vibranium) in order to secure his homeland.  As penance and a chance to prove himself as a man, he has left his native Wakanda and taken up Daredevil's mantle as guardian of Hell's Kitchen.  It's been a decent enough comic in the past few months, and it's been somewhat enjoyable.  Then Marvel released this:

What,  The.  Hell.  During Fear Itself, we'll be seeing the "American Panther" in the Black Panther book.  Oh my god, that better not be T'challa under there.  I'm about as staunchly pro-America as they come, but there's no way you can have a foreign monarch suddenly change his country's most important symbol into an American one.  It would be like the Queen of England draping herself in the American flag and running for office in the states as "Madame America" (although if it's Prince William's wife, she sure as hell as my vote).  It's just a tremendously weird thing.

Now, one hope I do have is that T'Challa is not the one under that mask.  If someone were to try and usurp the Panther legacy by adding an American twist on it, that could make for an incredibly interesting conflict for T'Challa.  It would be really neat to see the Panther try and deal with his loyalties to his new home and the country that he loves, but I should never see a Prince of Wakanda in such a bizarre costume.  Alternatively, if this has something to do with Fear Itself, we might have an even stranger reason for the genesis of this costume.  Marvel and the current writers should know and respect T'Challa enough to cherish his legacy, even if a Captain America movie is coming out this summer.  Please don't let me down on this one guys.

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