Tuesday, April 5, 2011

War of the Green Lanterns Status Report

Oh Green Lantern, why won't you quit playing games with my heart?  The initial story lines during Brightest Day were somewhat lackluster, but all three series had a huge spike in quality right before War of the Green Lanterns, all somehow converging on the upcoming battle with Krona.  And now that War is here, and it's doing nothing for me.

Three issues in and I can't say much has happened.  The first issue set the stage, which I can't fault it for I suppose.  Krona has done just what he promised: take control of the Green Lanterns.  The next two issues have done nothing but disappoint me.  The four Earthbound lanterns all struggle to resist Krona's influence, and the in the process start fighting each other before taking off their rings and....  Considering one of the biggest selling points of this event was to see Hal Jordan and Guy Gardner finally come to blows once again, this is a severe let down.  This was supposed to be a tragic battle, a conflict of world views that saw two friends on opposite sides of an issue.  Instead, Krona just pulled a few strings, there was a short fistfight, and the two are back to saving the galaxy as we know it.  The two fighting didn't do anything to move the plot forward, and the both of the issues had the various Lanterns scream out exactly what their problems were with one another.  That's about as subtle as Kilowag's BO, and interrupted the action with banal, overdone dialogue.

And another thing, why don't Hal and Guy go to the Justice League?  Originally Hal made this whole big deal of wanting to clean up his own mess, with the Lanterns dealing with Lantern problems.  This was acceptable when they were hunting down the Emotional Entities, but when a psychotic blue alien has just usurped the most powerful army in the galaxy YOU CALL SUPERMAN.  I don't care if Hal feels responsible; when people start dying you find help.  Instead of running off to some random planet, why not go someplace actually safe, like a planet filled with legions of superhumans?  Hell, I'm pretty sure Batman figured out some kind of strategy the day he met Hal.

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