Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Green Lantern's Feet

CGI is a dangerous game, and it's only today that we're seeing the "final" costume for Green Lantern.  It's the same basic construction we've seen time and time again, just with a few more touches and tweaks.  It's kind of hard to say exactly what it will look like on screen, seeing as they have alot of effects work laid out for them, but this is a great indicator.

This is about as close to the comic book costume as you can get while looking somewhat believable.  The classic green and black are given the detail and depth needed to work on screen.  Everything looks great, until you get down to his feet.  What.  The.  Hell.  He looks like a damn monkey.  And why are they so much brighter?  It's like they want us to notice how goofy they look.  Now, I know WHY they did it.  The suit isn't a piece of clothing, it is the energy from the ring that surrounds his body appears to be form fitting.  Thus, it would cover his entire body naturally instead of  imitating human clothing.  Sure that might make sense, but the designers forgetting something: rule of cool.  Sometimes in movies aesthetics comes before practicality (and it usually does).  And hey, the costume covers his junk, so why not his toes?

But other than the bizarre feet, something is missing for me.  While most live action heroes stray far away from the Spandex look and solid colors and go for something more layered and armored, this has the absolute same vibe as the classic superhero style.  It works wonderfully in comics, but it feels a bit bare on a real person.  Perhaps Ryan Reynolds doesn't have the bulk to pull it off?  Maybe it the fact that his face looks Photoshopped in.  But I have a feeling this is one of those costumes that has to be in motion to look natural in.  Come June we'll have our final answer.

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