Monday, April 25, 2011

Avengers Assemble

Today was the first day of filming for the Avengers, and as far I can tell there have been no reports of Joss Whedon dying from a heart attack, so as we can call that a success. Check out Joss' Blog here for his statement, and more proof of how strangely funny that man is.  I really hope he screamed out "Avengers Assemble!" right before filming.  With Thor continuing to garner positive acclaim and public interest, the only piece of the puzzle left is Captain America.  And with the stunning trailer and unbelievable cast, I can't imagine that letting us down (mostly because I don't want to imagine it).  So if you happen to be in the Cleveland area anytime soon, you might be able to get an early glimpse at the project.

Chris Evans has also been talking about his solo Captain America movie, as well as the ensemble project.  Evans confirmed that Cap would be getting a new costume, which I was hoping for.  The one in the movie is perfect for the 1940's time period, but to go alongside Thor and Iron Man he'll need something a bit sleeker.  Speaking of Mr. Stark, Evans also described the dichotomy between Cap and the armored hero.  It's great to see that the script understands the differences between these characters, and how completely irrational it is to put such wildly diverging personalities in one room.  And not only personalities, but backgrounds and origins.  And then, how not in spite of those differences, but because of them, these people work together.  Because for some completely unknown reason, some bizarre intangible, they are a family.  Damn, we have a summer full of epic movies, and I already can't wait for 2012.

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