Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The Walking Dead Billboard Excites Controversy

If you haven't watched the Walking Dead, that needs to change.  It's a wonderful comic that turned into a wonderful show, and arguably the best thing involving zombies from the past decade.  That being said, some of the recent billboards from the UK have brought some interesting controversy.

What could so offensive about that posterOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHH there's a funeral parlor next to it.  Although probably incredibly offensive to someone actually going to the parlor, as a bystander this is pretty damn funny.  The juxtaposition between the two is priceless, and executives from the network have swiftly apologize for the hilarious mishap.

But to be honest, who put that billboard there in the first place?  Few things are actually going to be appropriate when placed next to a funeral parlor.  Imagine a beer advertisement depicting scantily clad women, or pretty much anything with happy people.  I think the only thing you could get away with on this billboard would be insurance.  Some kind of controversy was bound to happen sooner or later, and I'm happy it happened in such a funny (if woefully inappropriate) context.

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