Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Yup, Iron Man 3 Gets a New Director

It's confirmed, Jon Favreau will no longer direct Iron Man 3.  This comes from Favreau himself, who will instead be working on Disney's the Magic Kingdom.  Now we've seen Disney rides turned into box office gold (and also abysmal, nightmarish failures starring Eddie Murphy) but an entire theme park?  Here's a bit of what he said on the project.

Between the theme parks and the movies, the Disney iconography was probably the first set of archetypes that I was exposed to. Walt was able to expose me as a child to the full array of emotions, including fear and sorrow. Those movies and attractions haunted my dreams  and made a deep impression on me as a child.

I'm a Disney fantatic who knows the lyrics to at least 5 of their songs by heart and have gone to the park an embarassing number of times.  I just have no idea how this would work.

This doesn't truly answer why Favreau left Iron Man 3.  Was it just to work on this project?  Was money an issue?  Was there some kind of bad blood after Iron Man 2?  We are hearing that Robert Downey Jr. might have actually sided against the director somehow.  Unless the truth is that both parties amicably parting ways, we're not going to hear it.

One plausible reason is that Favreau just didn't want t spend another 3 years working on the character.  Committing 8 to 10 years to one character is a big chunk of time, and even Nolan had to take a break after each Batman.

All we can do now is look to the future and hope Marvel finds a director right for the project.  I'd like one who can deliver on action, but what we is someone with a knack for what makes the character so interesting.  I would rather get someone like Alfonso Cuarón over Michael Bay.

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