Sunday, June 12, 2011

Green Lantern Week Begins!

We have less than a week before the summer's third superhero adaptation, Green Lantern. Will Ryan Reynolds emerge as a serious leading man?  Can the GL usher in a new age of DC heroes? Will green spandex and a shiny magic ring not be laughed out of Hollywood? Find out this Friday!

In the meantime, I thought we could kick off discussions with Green Lantern's post-Flashpoint progress. War of the Green Lanterns should be reaching it's end soon, and there doesn't seem to be an obvious story arc to follow. And even though many characters are being rebooted, Hal Jordan doesn't seem to be changing at all. All of the GL lore and recent history is still intact, with events such as Blackest Night and Brightest Day still cannon. I'm still miffed at how DC is picking and choosing what parts of the timeline to keep, which makes little sense story wise, but at least we can .  Hal's adventures will continue, and the GL Corps book will have the same focus on the rest of the lanterns, with Guy Gardner returning to the title. This means a cancellation of the Guy-centered Emerald Warriors title, but we have plenty of him to around.

Here's where we get some big changes.  Green isn't the only color dominating the shelves anymore, with Atrocitus and his Red Lanterns getting their own title we heard about months ago.  I said it before and I'll say it again, what a terrible waste.  The Red Lanterns are OK, but their own title?  I would have rather read about Sinestro's followers or Agent Orange.  Here's hoping DC can add some depth to the relatively 2-dimensional Corps. The last title is New Guardians, a team book featuring a member of each of the 7 Corps.  "New Guardians" has a better ring to it (see what I did there? I swear it was unintentional) than the "Rainbow Brigade" I suppose. Featuring Kyle Raynor and fan favorite lanterns from other Corps, this book has alot of potential.  With some wild characters uniting for the first time, I think it's worth checking out.

So if you're looking to get into comics after seeing the movie, you can either get caught up or snag these brand new issue #1s.  Green Lantern features Hal himself and is bound to be a reliable read and the Green Lantern Corps can be a but middling at times, but full of classic characters.  Red Lantern Corps. just doesn't strike me as a "must read", and New Guardians might be worth a peek.  So these are your books for after the movie, and that's a whole lot of comic book goodness to go around.

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