Sunday, June 26, 2011

Green Lantern 2 Still Happening?

I've been hating alot on Green Lantern lately. ALOT. I do however, think this movie deserves it and was extremely disappointing. It was no secret that Warners was hoping to turn this into property into a new franchise. Perhaps even more than a trilogy. The writers were rehired almost a year ago and are also busy on a Flash script, which was just a terrible decision. But with a sub-par opening, huge decline in second week figures and critical panning I was hoping that the sequel would never happen.

How very foolish of me.

Not that I can blame Warners for this decision. They've invested so much into this franchise and have all the design and effects work to go off of. Throw in an almost complete script and hey, why not?

To fix this property, alot needs to change. We already know Campbell isn't coming back, so a new director who's gutsy enough to take on this challenge is a must. If they're going to keep Hal Jordan as the main character, things will only get awkward with recasting.  The new script needs to show us more of the day to day stuff for the Lanterns. Let's see some arrests and investigations on alien planets, hunting down warlords and extraordinary villains. We didn't see any substantial moments where Sinestro might become a villain, so hold back on that. Build the Sinestro/Hal relationship before you tare it down.

The biggest thing the movie needs though? A sense of fun. Green Lantern's first adventure was boring, tedious, and lifeless. Take Thor as a counter example. The movie was far from perfect and had its flaws, but was just so fun and entertaining that it worked.  If you aren't going to go the Dark Knight route, then make it something I can enjoy.

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