Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Best of the Best: Top Green Lanterns Day One

There are thousands of Green Lanterns, each with enough swagger to overcome great fear.  That being said, some of them are tools.  Many of them in fact.  But then we have the legends, the Greatest Lanterns of all.  In honor of them, we count down the top Green Lanterns. We're basing this on personality, commitment to the Corps, and how the Lanterns makes the Corps unique.

10. Hannu.
For a Green Lantern, Hannu doesn't use his ring very often. He actually NEVER uses his ring, except for the occasional flying here or there. Hannu's home planet sees weapons as dishonorable, so the big guy prefers to use his fists instead. So let me get this straight: he has access to the most powerful weapon in the galaxy, and still prefers to punch the most dangerous villains of the galaxy in the face?

That's awesome.  It's so crazy awesome it gives Hannu a spot in the top ten.

9. Salaak
The Green Lanterns are essentially space cops. And what is any good cop story without the straight edged supervisor, busting our hero for being a loose cannon and playing by his own rules?  Dammit Jordan, this isn't the wild west, we have regulations!

That's Salaak in a nutshell.  But unlike most administrative pencil pushers, Salaak can kick some ass every once in a while. And as straight edged as he is, the Guardians of the Galaxy are even worse. He keeps things running smoothly, and knows where to draw the line. Because you just can't have space cops without some to bust their chops, giving Salaak a well deserved place in the top 10.

8. Bzzd
Oh wow, this is stupid, you're probably thinking.  He's a damn fly. Lame. Oh, I get it, his partner is the size of a planet. Yeah, be more obvious DC with the contrast there.

Well if you are thinking that, I suggest YOU PUNCH YOURSELF IN THE FACE. Bzzd is a god damned hero. That eager little insect backs down from freaking nothing. And in a climactic fight against the intergalactic tyrant Mongul, Bzzd sacrificed himself for the good of his team mates. You wish you could be as cool as Bzzd.

7. John Stewart
A legend in his own right, Jon is one of the four earthbound Lanterns. In addition to his heroic tours of duty with the Marines, he's fought as part of the Justice League and is an architect to boot. Seriously, that's got to be the greatest resume of all time.

Sadly, Jon never seems to get the time to shine. He's always been a back up to Kyle and Hal, and hasn't been able to forge quite as memorable a place in the Lantern legacy. Which is a shame, because as a no-nonsense hero with a solid backstory, he seems to be the model Green Lantern.

So that's it for now. We have six more Lanterns to go, so come back as we continue Green Lantern Week!

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