Friday, May 13, 2011

X-Men Pregnancy Crisis!

Oh, oh this is just too wonderful not to write about.  We here at Captain Otter consider ourselves above petty gossip and celebrities, instead devoting ourselves to the proud, respected tradition of writing about superheroes and dinosaurs (and ninjas).  We also like talking in the plural form, despite the fact that the blog is run by one person.  But January Jones, who will play Emma Frost in the upcoming X-Men movie, is now pregnant.  Despite how stunningly gorgeous and awesome she is on Mad Men, we normally wouldn't care (again with the we?-Ed.).  However, the good ol' rumor mill is revealing that the child's father is actually...another X-Man! 

Well, we know it's not Cyclops because he won't stop whining about it.

Obviously this is all Magneto's fault.  Just look at Michael Fassbender.  That man is a badass.  Of course Magneto and Emma Frost hooked up, it just makes so much sense.  So what kind of powers would the child have?  Well, it goes without saying it will be born an anti-hero, sometimes using morally dubious methods to accomplish it's valorous goals.  Considering Emma Frost can turn her body into diamonds, and Magneto has control over metal, I don't know.....he can turn his bod into steel?

Oh, snap!  This is how they're explaining Colossus' origins!

Either Matthew Vaughn is the most dedicated director of our generation if he made this happen or this is a fabulous coincidence.  Regardless, I want to see Colossus revealed as the love/hate-child of Emma Frost and Magneto.  Come on guys, this isn't the stupidest change you've made to the source material.  Not by a long shot.

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